Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Welcome, Spring!

This is a posting of the Spring 2009 content of VEHA Memo, watch for the Fall 2009 material soon!

I can’t remember being happier to see spring arrive than I am this year. I’ve spent 17 winters in the VEHA and the one we’ve just survived (and I do mean "survived!") seemed particularly long and cold. Parts, I’ll grant you, were fun. Weekend sledding with my daughters at Dickie Putnam Park, cross country skiing with them along Vinsetta Blvd., and skating on our “pond” in the backyard lent some brightness to the cold and gray. The Mondays through Fridays, however, did their best to break our spirits, didn’t they? There were too many mornings with snow that had to be shoveled from walks and driveways, and cleared from our cars before we headed off in the cold.

My walking and running friends on those dark mornings were almost unrecognizable as we passed each other bundled against the bitter winds. We offered each other exaggerated waves, but our short morning chats were impossible with the wind gusts taking our breath away. I got outside less this winter. Maybe I’m getting old and don’t have the motivation, or maybe I’m getting old and coming to my senses! One thing’s for certain, I lost my strongest motivator, Yeller Girl, my yellow Lab who – for most of the past decade – pushed or pulled me out into the morning, no matter the weather. She treated every walk like she was discovering our neighborhood for the first time, and every friend we met along the way was an exciting encounter.

Now that spring is here, I’ve promised myself that I will embark on each run, walk or bike ride through the neighborhood her enthusiasm. Every friend I meet, I’ll greet warmly, and at every turn of the sidewalk, I’ll look for something new and exciting. I look forward to seeing you all this spring – walking, running, biking, and playing in the parks. Our neighborhood is filled with wonderful people and things – and it’s all yours, so enjoy it!

VEHA picnic was more than a cookout
My friend Bill Regenold always enjoyed a hot dog at the annual VEHA Picnic with ketchup. It was Bill who got me involved in the VEHA nearly 18 years ago, when I was new to the neighborhood. His enthusiasm for the area and the people was contagious. He and his wife, Norma, encouraged my wife, Doris, and me to get involved in the annual VEHA Picnic at Waterworks Park. “Great way to get to know the neighbors and keep the community strong,” Bill said. He was right. For 10 years, we helped with, and later organized the children’s games, and we watched a whole generation of kids – including our own – grow up.

Through Bill, I also learned that the picnic was more than a neighborhood cookout. It was an opportunity for long-time residents to share the history of the homes and the area with newcomers, for neighbors to discuss issues that concerned us collectively, for friends to share happiness and – sometimes – grief. The picnic was a celebration of what the neighborhood was, as well as what the neighborhood could become.

I’m sad to see this tradition come to an end. But, I’m happy to have had the chance to attend 16 of those wonderful gatherings and to have learned about the rich history of the VEHA, and to have met so many of the wonderful people who made the neighborhood grow and prosper. And, to have had a few hotdogs, with ketchup, with my friend Bill.

Neighborhood News
Welcome, Neighbors!

Evie Bell, Vinsetta Blvd. Block Captain, sends a “welcome” (echoed by the whole VEHA) to Anita and Bill Springer (3310), and an added “congratulations” on the birth of their daughter, Isabelle on January 29.

Also new to the block are Tony Ross and Stewart Dowaell (3321) and Evie reports that there also is a new neighbor at 3204, but she hasn’t found out their name (write us, and we will say a formal “hello”!) – welcome to everyone … we hope to see you at the park clean-up and participating in the Garage/Block/Yard Sale!

Helping Others with Furniture Donations
Ann Ford wrote to tell everyone in the VEHA about the Furniture Bank of Southeastern Michigan. It was established in 1968 to provide furniture assistance to needy families. The organization serves families in both Oakland and Macomb counties. The Macomb facility, in Warren, opened in 2007. The Oakland County facility is in Pontiac at 333 N. Perry. If you would like information, call 248-332-1300 or visit the Web site:

Share your VEHA stories!
Tell me about your VEHA experiences. Are you a regular walker or runner? What do you enjoy about our neighborhood? What special friendships have you made? Send your thoughts to me and I’ll share them with all our neighbors in the summer edition of VEHA Memo.
– Dan Saad, Editor