Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Savoring the Seasons in the VEHA

Feeling Festive!
I’m feeling festive, even though the days are getting shorter and the sun’s getting a little scarce, because the holidays are nearly here! I can tell because the VEHA Luminary order forms have been distributed and soon – on Christmas Eve – it will be our chance to, in the words of Norma Regenold, the long-time Chairperson of the Luminary Event, “… Light up our corner of the world!”

One of our family traditions is to drive through the neighborhood after Mass on Christmas Eve to see the thousands of candles flickering with a glow that warms the neighborhood and our hearts.

Another Royal Oak tradition, the “Holiday Magic Parade” marched through downtown on Saturday, November 21 welcoming both Santa Claus and the holiday season to our town. My daughter Juli and I were on Washington Blvd., along with thousands of other Royal Oak residents, to see the Royal Oak High School Marching Band, the Borgo School of Dance and Gymnastics, hundreds of Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, representatives of the Royal Oak Optimists and Kiwanis Clubs, and the Cass Technical High School Marching Band (my alma mater!) welcome Santa. After the parade, Juli and I stopped for a cup of hot chocolate on Washington and talked with many friends and neighbors. It was a wonderful reminder of what a special place our town, and our neighborhood, is to live!

Spring Garage/Block/Yard Sale was a Chance to Shop
and Say ‘Hello!’
The annual VEHA Garage/Block/Yard Sale, held May 15-17 this year, was a great way to get reacquainted with neighbors after last year’s long winter, and to turn unwanted or unused items into cash. The VEHA placed newspaper ads and posted signs to publicize the event and the weather cooperated and gave us three beautiful days for shopping and socializing. This Christmas, put aside those unwanted gifts and instead of “re-gifting,” sell them at the 2010 VEHA Garage/Block/Yard Sale!

VEHA Picnic was Cancelled for 2009
Due to dwindling participation and support over the past several years, the annual VEHA Picnic, usually held in mid-June at Waterworks Park, was been cancelled this year. Oakridge Market, for years, donated hot dogs, hamburgers, buns and condiments; and neighbors would bring side dishes and desserts to pass. If anyone is interested in helping me to revive this event for summer 2010, send me a note, or post a comment here – we will meet in the spring to make plans.

Summertime and Hollywood Came to the VEHA
Hollywood came to the VEHA neighborhood in September when much of Vinsetta Blvd., a portion of Main St., and part of Detroit Street Park were used as sets for the Wolverine Productions filming of “Red Dawn,” a remake of the 1984 movie that starred Patrick Swayze.

In the original, Soviet paratroopers attack, round up townspeople and begin a full-scale military invasion. A group of high school students, who call themselves Wolverines after their school mascot, resists with guerilla warfare. The remake features a new generation of invaders for the students to resist – Chinese soldiers.

A chase scene was filmed on Vinsetta, with the teens, escaping in a pickup truck, pursued by Chinese troops. The chase took place east on Vinsetta, culminating with a crash across Main St., into Detroit Street Park.For several days, the area was filled with production vehicles, and cast and crew members. Neighbors in the area went off to school and work passing and waving to vehicles full of Chinese soldiers waiting for their queues to begin filming.

Everyone from the production was friendly and patient, and the neighbors were helpful and supportive. For several days we all had something to talk about other than who most recently lost their job and how bad the real estate market is around here.

A few neighbors even got in on the “action” – as extras or, in our case, as crew support. We rented our garage to the production crew for two days, for equipment storage and access to an electrical outlet to recharge cameras.Last year, Royal Oak also was part of the Hollywood scene when the crew of "Prayers for Bobby" starring Sigourney Weaver filmed a parade scene downtown on Washington Ave, using 600 local extras. The city also had a role last year in “Gran Torino,” the film by actor/director Clint Eastwood who shot some key scenes in the barber shop on 11 Mile Rd., just east of Washington.

The new “Red Dawn” is scheduled to be released in September 2010 – plan to see it, and watch for the scenes “starring” the VEHA neighborhood!

As the sign above, taped to the street sign, says - Vinsetta became a movie set for a few days in September.

Neighborhood News
West Webster Update

Betsy Kalec, on W. Webster has this news to share with neighbors.
"Last spring, some of the W. Webster neighbors had a Common Hackberry tree planted at Bicycle Hill in memory of two of the nicest neighbor ever, Glen and Barbara Thornton. As you may recall, we had a nice wet spring followed by a summer of heat, sun, and hardly any rain. Our little tree hadn’t gotten established well enough and did not survive – summer drought, winter kill – I am not certain why the Hackberry died, but we chose it because one Web site called it 'one tough tree.'

I contacted a very nice gentleman at the city who agreed to re-plant the memorial tree. The new tree was planted within five days of my telephone conversation with him. It stands at the top of the hill, right in line with Webster. There is a lovely memorial plaque at the base of the tree in honor of our wonderful neighbors, Glen and Barbara Thornton."

New “Additions” on Orchard View
Randal A. Szarek sends news of some family additions on Orchard View over the past few months.
John and Heather Svoboda welcomed their second son, Andrew, born in March. Big brother Jack is as happy and proud as mom and dad!

Derrick and Carrie Ray announced the birth of their son, Robert Kenneth (they’re calling him Beau) in October. Congratulations to both families!

A Reflection on the Kindness of Neighbors
Megan and Camille Khoury, of Vinsetta write:
“Thank you for the lovely VEHA Spring Memo. I wanted to share one of our VEHA experiences.

One day last winter we let our dog Rocky outside, as we do every morning. We had become accustomed to her staying in the yard so we did not always watch her every move. On that Saturday, she took an awfully long time to come to the back door. When we went to look for her, she was nowhere to be found. I went out into the yard and called for her but she did not come. After 15 minutes we were worried. After a half-hour of waiting, we were scared.
I bundled up my son and drove around the neighborhood searching for Rocky.

Thanks to the VEHA residential directory, our lovely neighbors – the Ellison family, whom we had never met before – tracked us down and called my husband. Rocky had a stroke in their yard and was unable to get up. Thanks to our neighbor's kindness and ingenuity (not to mention the VEHA directory!) we were able to find Rocky and say goodbye to her before we had to put her to sleep.”

Send your neighborhood news and your VEHA stories!
As I read about the “new arrivals” in our neighborhood, and touching stories like the support the Ellison family gave to the Khoury family, I’m lifted by the realization of what a wonderful place the VEHA is to live and to raise our families. Thank you all for sharing, and please continue to do so.

And become a “Follower” of this blog – by registering, you’ll be automatically notified by e-mail when there are new posts, or when a neighbor comments on a current post.

If you have news or photos to share with your neighbors in the VEHA, post a comment here, send an e-mail to me, Dan Saad at
d1saad@aol.com, or drop it off at 406 Potawatomi Blvd., for the next edition of VEHA Memo.

Dan Saad, Editor