We again "lit our corner of the world," on Christmas Eve throughout the VEHA with our annual luminary display. Thank you to everyone who participated and added warmth to the holiday season!
"Happy New Year!"
I can still say that because, as I write this, it's still January and there are many, many of you neighbors whom I haven't seen since the first of the year.
Although we're experiencing our annual January thaw, with the first snowfall after the holidays, my kids and I have already been sledding on Bicycle Hill and skiing along the Vinsetta Blvd. median. Oh, and they built a snow fort, too.
This all reminds me that our VEHA neighborhood is truly one for all seasons - with sights and activities for everyone, year 'round. While it's difficult to head off to work in the early, cold, dark hours of our winter mornings, the weekends offer a winter playground just beyond our doorsteps!
It's natural to long for spring's warmth and lengthening days - I'm looking forward to them myself - but in the meantime, enjoy the seasonal gifts we have. Snow, when it falls; cold, clear days when the sun shines; and caring friends and neighbors to whom we can wave and say hello!
Spring Calendar: Coming along with the warmer weather will be our annual clean-up of Bicycle Hill Park and our annual VEHA Garage/Yard Sale - watch for e-mail and blog updates as the events get closer!