The Eberhardt family, of 411 Potawatomi, held a yard sale to benefit A New Leash on Life; an animal rescue and education organization that depends entirely on volunteers and donations.
The weekend of May 14-16 was ideal for the annual VEHA Yard/Garage Sale event. Hundreds of bargain-hunting visitors shopped throughout the association over three days of sunshine and moderate temperatures.
Two families on Potawatomi used their yard sales to raise fund for local charitable organizations. The Eberhardt family, of 411 Potawatomi, raised funds for A New Leash on Life - an animal rescue and education organization that depends entirely upon volunteers and donations to carry on its work.
"Volunteers from the organization donated all the items we have for sale," said Debbie Eberhardt, " and all the money goes directly to support adoptions, feeding, fostering and other related activities." Debbie noted that A New Leash on Life is always in need of donations of pet foods, bedding, litter; and in need of foster families to support the program.
For more in formation, visit:, or e-mail to:
Doris, Juli and Amanda Saad, of 406 Potawatomi, sold bright pink tents for the Komen for the Cure 3-Day that was held in 2006. After that event, the tents were donated to their Girl Scout Troop. The tents were still in like-new condition, even after several Scout camping trips, so the girls decided to sell them to raise money for this year's 3-Day.
"It's like recycling," Juli and Amanda said, "we're selling the tents to people who will put them to good use, and the money goes back to the Susan G. Komen foundation to fight cancer."
For more information about the Susan G. Komen Foundation, visit:
VEHA Picnic is Coming! The annual VEHA neighborhood picnic has returned, after its cancellation in 2009, thanks to renewed interest. This year's picnic is set for Saturday, July 17 (with a rain date of Sunday, July 18). Plan to bring a picnic lunch and a dish to pass for your neighbors. Paper goods and plasticware will be provided by the VEHA. Plan to bring along tables and chairs, too.
Send your news and comments about the VEHA to Dan Saad, VEHA Memo Editor, at, or post them here at VEHA Memo. See you at the picnic in July!